Export / Import Table Data

Export to File

Select Export To->File menu item from table popup menu. Saved file can be later opened as script and executed directly.


Import from File

You can import previously exported data by selecting Import From->File menu item from table popup menu. If table name in the file different from selected table it will be automatically replaced. Also file can be opened as ordinary file in Script Editor.


Export to Excel

Select Export To->Excel menu item from table popup menu to copy all table data to Excel.


Import from Excel

You can import table data from Excel by first selecting range in Excel which contains table data with table column names in the first row. Order of columns is not important. Some column can be omitted too. To import data from Excel select table into which you want to import data. Right click and select Import From menu item. Select menu item with Excel session in which you previously selected data. Data from Excel will appear in a new Script Editor window as a series of INSERT statements. Now you can edit or execute script to insert data into the table.