IBM DB2 Help

Supported versions

DB2 UDB 7.0 - 7.5 Limited support
DB2 UDB 8.x - 9.x
DB2 z/OS 7.x - 10.x
DB2 iSeries 5.x - 7.x
DB2 How To

Connecting to un cataloged DB2 databases

By default SqlDbx treats value in Server combo box as cataloged database alias.

To connect to un cataloged DB2 databases please follow steps below.

1. Specify Server as HOSTNAME:PORT or HOSTNAME

2. In Options add the name of the database: DATABASE=dbname

3. Specify port if it was not specified in Server combo box.


    Server: db2server

    Options: PORT=5023;DATABASE=dbname


* Make sure that option values separated by semicolon ";"


How to check database client software setup in case SqlDbx unable to connect

1. Start command prompt

2. Type db2cmd and press enter

3. Type db2 in a new window

4. Connect to database by issuing following command: CONNECT TO <database_name> USER <user_name> USING <password>


Additional connection option

In Options edit box on Login Dialog you can specify driver options supported by the driver. Options should be separated by ';'.

Lists of all options and their description can be found in IBM CLI driver documentation.

Below is the list of most common options.


CMT=[0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4] - Specifies the default transaction isolation level

TRANSLATE=[0 | 1] - Specifies whether or not to convert binary data (CCSID 65535) to text

CCSID=<codepage> - Specifies a codepage to override the default client codepage setting with