Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Load / Save

Ctrl + NNew Script
Ctrl + OOpen file
Ctrl + SSave active script
Ctrl + Shift + SSave active script with different name
Ctrl + WClose active script tab
Ctrl + Shift + WClose active Result tab

Cursor Movement

LeftMove cursor one character left
RightMove cursor one character right
UpMove cursor one line up
DownMove cursor one line down
Ctrl + UpScroll screen up
Ctrl + DownScroll screen down
Ctrl + RightMove cursor one word right
Ctrl + LeftMove cursor one word left
EndMove to end of line
Ctrl + EndMove to end of last line in file
HomeMove to beginning of line
Ctrl + HomeMove to beginning of file
Ctrl + GGo To Line


Ctrl + YDelete current line
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Delete all
Ctrl + DeleteDelete to start of word to the right
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete to start of word to the left
InsertSwitch between overwrite and insert mode
Ctrl + CCopy to Clipboard
Ctrl + VPaste from Clipboard formatted as SQL
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste from Clipboard Excel style
Alt + Shift + VPaste as column block
Ctrl + Alt + VPaste as column block (fill)
Ctrl + XCut to Clipboard
Ctrl + Z, Alt + BackUndo
Shift + TabIndent to the left
Ctrl + Shift + CComment selection out
Ctrl + Shift + RUn comment selection
Ctrl + Shift + UConvert selection to upper case
Ctrl + Shift + LConvert selection to lower case
Ctrl + Shift + MReplace template parameters
Ctrl + Shift + UpMove current line up
Ctrl + Shift + DownMove current line down


Ctrl + ASelect all
Alt + Left Mouse ButtonStart column (block) selection
Alt + CSet block selection on. Use Shift + Arrow keys to extend selection
Shift + Left Mouse ButtonExtend selection to click point
Ctrl + BSelect SQL block starting from current position
Ctrl + Shift + BSelect current block delimited by empty lines
Shift +LeftExtend selection to the Left
Shift + RightExtend selection to the right
Shift + UpExtend selection one line up
Shift + DownExtend selection one line down
Shift + HomeExtend selection to the beginning
Shift + EndExtend selection to the end
Shift + Page DownExtend selection one page down
Shift + Page UpExtend selection one page up
Ctrl + Shift + HomeExtend selection from current position to the beginning of script
Ctrl + Shift + EndExtend selection from current position to the end of script
Ctrl + Shift + LeftExtend selection to the beginning of current word
Ctrl + Shift + RightExtend selection to the end of current word
Ctrl + MHighlight all words like the one under the cursor

Find / Replace / Diff

Ctrl + FShow Find dialog
Ctrl + HShow Replace dialog
F6Quick Find
F3Find next
Shift + F3Find previous
Ctrl + Shift + QQuick Diff Script
Ctrl + Shfit + DQuick Diff Result Set

Query / SQL

Ctrl + E, F5Execute SQL statement
Ctrl + Shift + EExecute SQL statement. Results in new window
Ctrl + Shift + F5Execute SQL statement. Results in new window
Ctrl + EnterExecute SQL statement on current line
Shift + EnterExecute currently outlined SQL statement if any
Ctrl + F5 Parse SQL statement
Ctrl + K Execute last Result Grid SQL statement
Ctrl + JFormat selected SQL
Alt + F1Object Properties under cursor
Alt + F2Script object under cursor to new window
Alt + F3Find object under cusrsor in Object View
F4Refresh Object View
F7List Tables
F8List User Procedures and Functions
F9List System Procedures and Functions
F12Begin Transaction
Ctrl + F12Commit Transaction
Ctrl + Shift + F12Rollback Transaction


Ctrl + F2Toggle bookmark
F2Go to next bookmark
Shift + F2Go to previous bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + F2Clear all bookmarks


Ctrl + Page DownNext Script Window
Ctrl + Page UpPrevious Script Window
Ctrl + Shift + Page DownNext Connection Window
Ctrl + Shift + Page UpPrevious Connection Window
Ctrl + 1Switch focus between Editor and Results
Ctrl + 2Switch focus between Editor and Object List
Ctrl + 3Set focus to Script Editor
F11Maximize Editor windox
Ctrl + F11Maximize Results window
Shift + F11Toggle Object View