Oracle How To

Connectivity problems

SqlDbx relies on Oracle client being installed on client computer. SqlDbx dynamically tries to load oci.dll. If this dll not found then you will encounter error message about client software not being properly installed. Check that oci.dll is available and PATH environment variable includes path to it.


Working with multiple Oracle Homes

When connecting to database you can select which Oracle Home to use when connecting to Server. After first connection established all subsequent connections will use the same Oracle home regardless of what selected in Home combo box in Login dialog. Also you can create your own Oracle Homes in SqlDbx. It can be useful for example when Oracle Instant client used. User defined Oracle Homes can be added in Options dialog on Oracle page. String should consist of two strings separated by comma. First one specifies name for Home and second specifies path to a directory where OCI.DLL located. includes path to it.


Direct Oracle Connection

To connect to Oracle server directly specify Server on Login screen as: HOST:PORT,SERVICE_NAME


Using Instant Oracle Client

1. Unzip instant client to any directory

2. Add directory to the PATH environment variable or add custome Oracle home to Tools->Options->Servers->Oracle

3. Set TNS_ADMIN environment variable to the directory where TNSNAMES.ORA file located.