Sybase How To

Sybase ASE

SqlDbx relies on Sybase Open Client installed on local computer. If while trying to connect to Sybase Server you encounter message stating that database handler cannot be created for this type of Server it usually means that Sybase Open Client dll ctlib.dll or libsybct.dll cannot be found. SqlDbx always tries to first load libsybct.dll which is distributed with Open Client version 15 and if it fails then it tries to load ctlib.dll.

When connecting to Sybase ASE you can specify following additional options in Options edit box:

HOSTNAME = hostname

APPNAME = appname


To connect to Sybase ASE directly without using interface file or LDAP specify server on Login dialog as: SERVER:PORT

Sybase IQ, Sybase Anywhere

Two different connections types supported for Sybase IQ and Sybase Anywhere: Open client and Sybase IQ ODBC driver.

Both methods offer same features and functionality.