
Quick tips


01Intellisense works better and in more cases when table names use aliases For example:<br>
select *from table_name1 T1, table_name1 T2 where T1.column_name = T2.column_name ...
02You can enable automatic save / restore of SqlDbx session state by checking Enable Session State check box on General tab in Options
03Speed typing allows to create aliases for often used SQL blocks. For examples you can add string "sla" as alias for "select * from". MainMenu->Tools->Speed Typing
04Generate SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE allows quickly to script SQL DML statements.
05If you want to quickly access object properties just click on object it in Editor and press Alt-F1
06You can directly edit table data in Result Grid for tables with unique constraints
07Templates allow to organize snippets of code.
08Results Grid supports sorting and moving columns. Also it supports multiple selections. Hold Ctrl key while selecting multiple areas
09Quickly select SQL block by placing cursor on first character and then press Ctrl+B
10Quickly export data from table. Execute select * from <table_name>, then select everything in Grid Results by clicking on a top left corner and then select Generate->Insert from right click menu
11Filter data in Results Grid by selecting Filter menu item from right click popup menu
12 Replace Template parameters works not only for templates but with any text enclosed in angle brackets "<...>"
13You can directly execute procedures and functions from Object View
14You can execute procedures from Editor by righ clicking on procedure name
15Results of any query operation will be put in a new Result Tab if you hold Shift key while selecting query action